Privacy Notice

Parallel Graphics Ltd. t/a Cortona3D (further “Cortona3D”) respects your right to privacy and your right to limit information exchanges to only those you initiate if you so desire. We do acquire certain personal information from private individuals in the course of business, but we do not voluntarily share this personal information with third parties. We do use this information to better serve you and facilitate your use of our website.

Cortona3D adheres to the following principles in order to protect your privacy:

  • We respect the right of individuals to access their personal data.
  • We will provide you with choices and means to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data.
  • We will not rent or sell your personal data to third parties for commercial gain.
  • We will not disclose your information to other users or third parties without your consent.
  • We will take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of the data.
  • We are committed to following certain principles of personal data processing received from the EU in reliance on GDPR effective as of May 25, 2018.
  • We will collect your personal data only for the purposes set forth herein.
  • We provide you with the means to contact us regarding inquiries or complaints of yours.

Your acceptance of this policy arises upon your simple use of the site, your use of our request forms or by sending us requesting messages, or when you otherwise click on the “I accept”, “Submit” checkbox on our request pages (or similar box or means).

Information collected

Cortona3D may acquire a private individual's personal information including name, last name, e-mail, phone, city, and company name from registration forms, product order information, including the downloading and licensing of software, or e-mail messages to us, as well as information that you supply to us attending an event (either in person or online) at which Cortona3D is a participant.

The Cortona3D web server also records visitor IP addresses and domain names for reporting and site usage analysis.

Promotional and informational communications

If you supply Cortona3D with your e-mail address or phone number through our site you may receive informational messages about new releases, fixed bugs, and events from Cortona3D. By registering on the mailing list or for the newsletter, your email address will be added to the contact list of those who may receive email messages containing information of commercial or promotional nature concerning this site. Your email address might also be added to this list as a result of signing up to this site, after making a purchase, or after providing a business card to our employee (personal data collected: company name, email address, first name, last name, and phone number).

If you prefer not to receive these communications or if you have any questions about how we use the information you provide, please send an e-mail message to us at

Safety of your information

Cortona3D uses appropriate security measures to protect your registered user information and personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, and modification.  However, please take into account that the Internet and e-mail transmissions are not secure or error-free communication means.

Additionally, we may undertake internal reviews of our data collection, storage, and processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store personal data.

Information disclosure

Cortona3D may transfer or disclose personal data to the third parties who agree to process such data in accordance with our instructions and provide appropriate technical and organizational security measures. Such third parties may include:

  • Cortona3D subsidiaries where it is necessary for the efficient provision of services and the most productive use of Cortona3D’s resources.
  • Cortona3D authorized resellers and business partners for the limited purposes of offering our products and associated services.
  • IT companies, hosting providers, and other third-party technical service providers that might be appointed by Cortona3D as data processors.
  • Government agencies or other third parties as authorized by applicable law: (i) to comply with legal, regulatory, or reporting requirements (such as reporting to tax authorities and employment regulators), (ii) in the event we are required to respond to a court order, subpoena, discovery request, or other legal processes, or if, in our good faith opinion, such disclosure is required by law, (iii) at the request of governmental authorities conducting an audit or investigation, (iv) to verify or enforce compliance with applicable employee policies, laws, rules, or regulations, (v) in connection with corporate restructurings or potential acquisitions, mergers, or sales, or (vi) whenever we believe disclosure is necessary to limit the legal liability, or to protect or enforce the rights, interests, or safety, of you, Cortona3D, our subsidiaries, and affiliates, other employees, or third parties.

You can request an updated list of these third parties from Cortona3D at any time.

In addition to the cases mentioned above, the data can be disclosed to the third parties in case of occurrence of the following events:

  • In the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets.
  • If any Cortona3D entity or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data held by it about its customers will be one of the transferred assets.

If despite our security precautions, personal information about a private individual is inadvertently disclosed, we will do everything reasonable to limit and remedy the disclosure. However, Cortona3D accepts no liability for any unintentional disclosure.

Personal data owners' rights and revocation of consent

Any user of our site shall have the right to make a request to us in order to enforce his rights to:

  • Access his personal data;
  • Rectify his personal data, when inaccurate or incomplete;
  • Cancel processing of his personal data;
  • Object - with legitimate reasons - the process of his personal data; and/or
  • Revoke his consent for the use, storage, treatment, process, and/or, disclosure of his personal data.

The enforcement and upholding of your privacy rights should be requested to us in writing and must include, at a minimum, the following information: your complete name and e-mail address in order for us to notify you of the response to your privacy request; and a clear and concise description of the personal data with regard to which you seek to enforce any of your privacy rights.

In order to enforce your privacy rights, please contact us by email at Upon receipt of your privacy request, and after due review of its merit, we may then edit, deactivate and/or delete your personal data from our site or services. Please take into account that we may not be able to delete all of your data from some of our databases and that, if so is the case, we will then mark such data as permanently inaccessible.


Cortona3D may use cookies from time to time. Cookies are small text files a website can use to recognize a repeat visitor to the website. We use cookies for various reasons. Cookies enable us to provide you with a better experience by allowing us to understand what areas of this site are of interest to our users. These cookies do not track individual information. Cookies from Cortona3D can only be read by the Cortona3D website. If you do not want Cortona3D to deploy cookies in your browser, you can set your browser to reject cookies or to notify you when a website tries to put a cookie in your browser software. If you choose to disable cookies in your browser, you can still access most of this site, however, your ability to use some of the products and/or services at this site may be affected.

General Cookies
Cookie Purpose Duration
cookie-agreed This cookie is set when you accept or decline the cookie policy of this website 100 days
has_js This cookie indicates whether or not your web browser has JavaScript enabled his cookie is deleted at the end of the session
Drupal.tableDrag.showWeight This cookie helps handle the consistent navigation of tabbed pages and forms across a range of different browsers.  It is set when you access pages where information appears in tabbed format. This cookie is deleted at the end of the session
SESS****** This cookie is used for authorization of the visitors who need to access password-protected areas of this website such as the Reseller Partner Portal, Siemens PLM Portal, and areas for website administration 30 days
Cookies of Google Analytics
Cookie Purpose Duration
_ga Used to distinguish users 2 years
_gid Used to distinguish users 24 hours
_gat Used to throttle request rate 1 minute
AMP_TOKEN Contains a token that can be used to retrieve a Client ID from the AMP Client ID service. Other possible values indicate opt-out, inflight request, or an error retrieving a Client ID from AMP Client ID service. 30 seconds to 1 year
_gac_<property-id> Contains campa ign related information for the user 90 days
Third-party sites and services

Our site may also implement hyperlinks to the websites of our commercial partners and other third parties. If you click on such links, you are choosing to visit such websites and will be redirected thereto. Please take into consideration that we are not responsible for the privacy and personal data practices undertaken by such third parties (including any tools, cookies, information, or content contained thereinto), and that we do not have control over the manner in which such third parties may collect, process, treat or use your personal data.

Please be advised that when you use a link to go from our site to another website, our privacy policy, and terms are no longer in effect and that your browsing thereof is at your own and final risk. In addition, any banner or ad that we may have on our site does not constitute any endorsement of any third party thereof.

Financial data and information

We use third-party payment processing platforms. These platforms will request you to disclose sensitive personal data (e.g. credit card number, account username, and password) in order to complete purchases and operations related to our services. Such third-party payment processing platforms are governed by their own safety standards, policies, and terms of use. We shall not be liable for their operation, safety, or otherwise their functioning. We strongly advise our users to engage in online safety measures in order to protect their financial information, here on the site and elsewhere. We will not collect or store any sensitive financial data of yours.

Personal data collected by Cortona3D software

Cortona3D viewer for iOS: no personal data are collected.


Сortona3D reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice on this page.

Last updated: 25 October 2018