Cortona3D releases RapidAuthor 12.0

Cortona3D RapidAuthor 12.0 makes the documentation development much faster and provides new features for creating S1000D compliant documentation

11 October 2019

Cortona3D releases RapidAuthor 12.0, the latest version of the leading authoring suite for creating 2D/3D technical documentation for manufacturing and after sales support of complex machinery. The new version introduces accelerated CAD data import process and significantly optimized authoring of manuals and parts catalogs. It also contains a wide range of interface and functional improvements for developing documentation in accordance with the S1000D standard.

During the development period of the new version, the Cortona3D team has thoroughly analyzed user feedback and identified the actions that could be optimized. As a result, the process of creating 3D animations was greatly simplified, the ability to clone DPL strings in part catalogs and the ability to quickly add tables and corner effects to 2D images were added. In addition, a number of completely new time-saving commands has been implemented.

The algorithms for importing the CAD data have been significantly improved, as a result the import time and the memory use have been reduced up to two times, which is especially important for complex 3D models. The import of JT data introduces not only quantitative changes:   the quality of 2D images generated from the original JT data has significantly improved.

The development of documentation in accordance with international or industry standards is one of the main priorities for the development of Cortona3D software. Version 12.0 contains new features for creating S1000D compatible documentation:  filtering part catalogs by model number and service bulletin, automatically converting references to resources while editing and publishing data modules, automatically publishing all projects referenced by published SCPM and SCO projects, a new interface for editing SCPM modules and for viewing SCPM publications.