Cortona3D Viewer 3.0 for iOS with AR support and reworked UI is now available on App Store

26 January 2021
We have released a new version of our app for iOS. From now on, Cortona3D Viewer for iOS allows you to upload and store content using iCloud, and view 3D-models in augmented reality on your iPhone or iPad.

Reworked UI based on standard iOS Document Browser
The updated app provides an excellent user experience by incorporating key Apple technologies for a document browser-based app. You can upload and store content using iCloud, organize it in a folder, move it across all your devices, etc.

Support for augmented reality
Another important feature brought by the updated app is support for augmented reality (AR). How it works: after uploading an AR-enabled document to the app you can view a step-by-step procedure or detailed object renderings in a real-world surrounding on your iPhone or iPad. Cortona3D viewer for iOS contains demo content that you can view in AR: engine, sunflower drone, lathe, and pendulum wave. The instruction on how to create your own AR content in RapidAuthor and AR-enabled VRML scenes will be provided later and published in our Knowledge Base. Stay tuned! 

You can find out if your iOS or iPadOS device supports AR on the Apple website. AR requires an iOS or iPadOS device with iOS 11 and an A9 processor or later versions.

Other improvements:
— New Metal-based renderer
— Support for viewing parts catalogs without DPL table
— Support for controlling surface edge visibility from the viewer UI