Cortona3D Viewer for iOS 3.0
Release notes

25 January 2021
New features
  • All new Metal-based renderer
  • Reworked UI based on the standard iOS Document Browser
  • Support for AR for procedures and VRML scenes
  • Support for viewing parts catalogs without a DPL table
  • Support for controlling surface edge visibility from the viewer UI
  • Support for ignoring particular ObjectVM nodes when rendering layers and composite textures
  • Support for the iOSViewpointTransitionMode parameter in IPC
  • The device's scale factor is taken into account when creating composite texture
  • Addresses the issue with the wrong node type name for the ObjectVM node
  • Addresses the issue with loading the second texture from the URL list in the CubeEnvironment node, if the first texture is missing
  • Addresses the issue with camera jitter when animating fields of the Transform node, containing both geometry and bound Viewpoint node
  • Addresses the issue with missing events from the OrientationInterpolator node created from the scene script
  • Addresses the issue with missing methods in the JSLayer class

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