industry shipbuilding
Shipbuilding industry


Cortona3D partners with Siemens and other solution providers to address the needs of businesses in the Shipbuilding industry. Read more to learn how we can help organizations to innovate and evolve their product & service documentation.
industry shipbuilding
industry shipbuilding
Trends & Challenges
  • Collaborative design with global supplier base
  • Diversified global manufacturing
  • Management of a large number of manuals, maintenance plans, and catalogs
  • Mobile assets requiring maintenance globally
  • Very long lifecycle — 30 to 50+ years
  • Re-fit and periodic upgrade — changing configuration
Cortona3D Innovations
  • Transform design and engineering information into the technical documentation required for manufacturing, maintenance & support
  • Support the Shipdex documentation standard
  • No data retyping needed
  • Quick loading of ERP/CMM
  • Office space (paperless)
  • Better data adds to safety onboard
  • Less risk of using outdated information
  • Easier to identify needed spare parts
  • Overview of maintenance tasks
  • Reuse data across the fleet
  • Data exchange with equipment makers
Submarine sections composite demo
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